The Max Frisch Archive contains the literary legacy of Max Frisch and extensive collections on his life and work. The holding is accessible for academic, literary and media projects. Please consult our Virtual Reading Room. The reference library boasts a collection of over 3,000 books on Max Frisch and the platform E-Pics provides an overview of the image and photographic holdings.
Please follow our usage instructions to plan your visit as smoothly as possible.
The Max Frisch Archive regularly holds temporary exhibitions on the author's life and work. Photo: Frank Blaser / Max Frisch Archive, Zurich
ETH Library's Reading Room Collections and Archives
Photo: Frank Blaser / ETH Library
The reference library contains over 3,000 books
Photo: Frank Blaser / Max Frisch Archive, Zurich
Artworks in the reference library: Alan Maag photographed Frisch's notebooks. Photo: Alan Maag/Max Frisch-Archiv, Zurich
Max Frisch Archive's stack room
Photo: Alan Maag/Max Frisch Archive, Zurich

Photo: Frank Blaser / ETH Library

Photo: Frank Blaser / Max Frisch Archive, Zurich

Photo: Alan Maag/Max Frisch Archive, Zurich