
The Max Frisch Archive curates the author's extensive personal papers and various collections on his life and work. The holdings can be viewed on the premises. Please follow our usage instructions.

Max Frisch's personal papers

Collections and objects


The Max Frisch Archive contains over 3,000 books, including first editions and reprints of the works of Max Frisch, author's copies and annotated books. Translations into over 40 languages bear testimony to his international resonance. An extensive collection of relevant research literature is indicative of how the author's work is received in academia. Books by authors from Max Frisch's circle (Bertolt Brecht, Ingeborg Bachmann, Friedrich Dürrenmatt) and lexicons embed his work in its historical and social context.

external pageETH Library @ swisscovery enables searches in the reference library. Copies with handwritten dedications and notes are recorded on the database Max Frisch Archive Online.

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